Squatters in Copenhagen, who have occupied their building for 25 years only to have it sold out from under them by the City Council, clashed with police enforcing an eviction order. It was a paramilitary operation and cops arrested 30 squatters after dropping from helicopters to the roof of the building. The BBC has details.
[thanks to Andrea for the alerting me to the story]
Sorry to place this is a public forum, albeit in a blog, but I'm trying to reach Robert Neuwirth and I don't see any contact function here and can't find a conventional website anywhere.
I'm guessing that upon seeing this he'll find me and make contact via BrazilMax: http://www.BrazilMax.com
Bill Hinchberger
Founder and Editor
more news:
comprehensive links on the eviction of Ungdomshuset and the aftermath...really a kind of uprising...
This is very similar to what has happened to the poor community of South Central Los Angeles. They farmed a lot owned by the city until the city sold it to a wealthy landowner who had the farms destroyed by the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department. They had been their with the city's permission for over a decade farming the land.
Same request as the Bill Hinchberger actually! I wonder if you'd be able to contact me on K.taylor@bigissuescotland.com please Robert? RE a press enquiry!
Same request as the Bill Hinchberger actually! I wonder if you'd be able to contact me on K.taylor@bigissuescotland.com please Robert? RE a press enquiry!
Same request as the Bill Hinchberger actually! I wonder if you'd be able to contact me on K.taylor@bigissuescotland.com please Robert? RE a press enquiry!
another 'sorry to place this in a public forum': 'squattercity' is cited in this Metamute text on London squatting and a film slandering it:
http://www.metamute.org/en/Embedded-Adventurism This was the only way I could find to point the reference out.
Anyway, thanks Robert, keep up the much-appreciated work.
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