Saturday, May 18, 2013

eviction depiction

Brazil's plans for the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics have forced 30,000 people from their homes and is making Rio de Janeiro "an even more unequal city, which will exclude thousands of families and destroy entire communities," a study by a consortium of non-profits has concluded.

"Our fears are being confirmed. The benefits and social legacy that are so widely trumpeted really hide a dark legacy: an elitist, segregated and unequal society. It is a sad thing to see," said Orlando Alves dos Santos Jr., a sociologist and urban planner and one of the coordinators of the study issued by the Comité Popular da Copa e das Olimpíadas. In particular, the reports authors contend, investments and evictions for the two sporting events seem designed to push poor people to the outskirts--and this can be seen in a vast ramp-up in property values all around Rio.

The report concludes that the two events amount to "a project that will appropriate the majority of benefits for a select few economic and social agents."

Inter Press Service has details.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

the ultimate in favela tourism

Now there are two cable cars in Rio de Janeiro: Pao de Azucar and Complexo do Alemao. The Associated Press, via has details.